Park Mountain from McArthur Pass, Yoho
Alpine Meadow, Manning Park
Tombstone Territorial Park, Yukon
Nature's Symphony: the Broken Group Islands
Sand Tombolo at Carter's Beach
Pacific's Edge, Ucluelet
Brown's Beach, Ucluelet
Sable Island From Above
John's Cove, Yarmouth Harbour
November Sun on Lockeport's Crescent Beach
Red Cedar, Ucluelet
High Tide in the Estuary
Summerville Moonrise
LeFroy Looms Over O'Hara
Gulf Shore Colours, Cabot Beach, PEI
A Perfect Swimming Beach
Change of Season in the Rockies
For Claudy
Cabins in the Cove, Twillingate NL
Looming Storm
Pacific Coast Evening
Wiwaxy Peak-a-boo
Ferryland Light, NL
Cathedral Sunrise, Lake O'Hara
Snow Squalls on Yukness
Winter Comes to Lake William Wetland
The Milky Way Meets Mt. Andromeda
Park Mountain from McArthur Pass
The Pine at the Pinery
A Single Veil
Front Row Seat
Train Station Inn Tatamagouche
Coast Mountain View
Out to Pasture
Sun on Mt. Owen
Peaks Around Oesa
Cathedral Over Cascade Lakes
Thunderwater Lake
Kejimkujik Lake
Cobalt Lake, Bugaboos
Opabin Glacier
Wharfe River, Yorkshire Dales
Garibaldi Lake
Yowler's Point Light
Louis Head Beach
Walton Lighthouse
Frozen Frog Pond
Not Dead Yet
Leaning Cedar, Port Renfrew
Weatherbeaten, Pacific Rim
Storm Clouds, Sunset, and Sea Stack
Cabin Garden Colours
Early Snow on Opabin
Bonne Bay from Burnt Hill, NL
The High Route to McArthur
Morraine Lake
Climbing to Cathedral
High Head Trail
Road Ends. Abruptly.
Winter Wonder Walk
Swimmer's Eye View
Reflections of Odaray
Sunset Storm Surge
Tide's Rising!
Black Brook, Mt. Uniacke